Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Chapter What....?

So my baby is moving out in just over two days. Two days! For twenty-eight years, eight months, three weeks and two days, I have been raising children. On Saturday morning, that will come to an end. What do I do now? Honestly. I have been raising children longer than I wasn't raising children (if that makes sense, even if it's not grammatically correct). Thus, the name of this post, "Chapter What....?" In this story that is my life, is this the final chapter, or the beginning? People have told me that life begins when your babies leave the nest, but, right now anyway, it feels like my life is over. Yes, I know that sounds dramatic and a little ridiculous. It IS dramatic and ridiculous! But having them all go is way harder than I ever thought it would be, and I can't yet say that I like it much. In fact, I can't say that I like it at all! Nevertheless, I will rein it in a bit and settle for calling this a middle chapter--not quite a new beginning (cause I definitely don't feel that enthusiasm yet), but not the bitter end either. Good compromise? I think so. Do I have a choice? Ha.

At least I still have my sense of humor.